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User category
  Val Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

Valiantsina (Val) is the founder and leader of ICAN Club, the owner and the admin of this site. She is the person to approach whenever you need help or advice. Val is an experienced teacher of English, who has worked in a variety of contexts and capacities and also as an interpreter/translator for international organizations, such as the World Bank, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, etc. She is an ideal candidate for cross-border creative educational projects.

Katsiaryna Varanishcha
  Katsiaryna Varanishcha Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

Svetlana Malysheva
  Svetlana Malysheva Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

Natasha Barashko
  Natasha Barashko Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

I am a teacher of English at school and also at University. My hobby is English and writing different articles on conferences and also participate in them! I love children and always try to learn different methods of teaching!I can`t say that I am profy in methodics but on my lessons I try to invent something new according to the age: colourful pictures, colourful words, interactive blackboard etc.

  Alla Country: USA
  Teacher of English

Professionally speaking, by now I have... over 15 years of teaching English - to kids and adults, one-to-one and in groups, over 60 textbooks and supplementary materials for teaching and learning English - written and published, over 400 hours of teacher training sessions in 7 countries, over 100 blog posts for parents who help their children learn a foreign language. My lifestyle (in the past 6 years I've lived in 4 countries for at least one year) has led me into developing a new dimension for my teaching career: a trainer for parents [and teachers] who help kids learn a foreign language between classes. Visit my blog and see how easy and exciting it is to be a language partner to your kid, and a teaching partner to your kid's teacher.

Galina Ivanova
  Galina Ivanova Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

Svetlana Budnik
  Svetlana Budnik Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

Olga Mozhugova
  Olga Mozhugova Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

Inna Kobsarenko
  Inna Kobsarenko Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

Svetlana Matskevich
  Svetlana Matskevich Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

Tania Svechko
  Tania Svechko Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

Evgenia Barabanova
  Evgenia Barabanova Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

Tatsiana Drabushevich
  Tatsiana Drabushevich Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

Tatyana Stepanova
  Tatyana Stepanova Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

Olga Matskevich
  Olga Matskevich Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English

Alena Dertsyan
  Alena Dertsyan Country: Belarus
  Teacher of English