This session might become a turning point in someone's life, because it will be your hour of triumph.
We will learn how to discover talent in others, how to present one another and how to make the most of our personality.
M.Norbekov once said that the world was swarming with unfulfilled genius. It's sad, isn't it? But why does it happen? Why do people fail to fulfill their mission to implement all their skills, talents, creative ideas and dreams?
It might be lack of confidence. Or, maybe, no one have ever asked him to look at their life as a whole, forget about the daily grind of routine and ask the crucial question: what is my mission and what can I do to make this world a better place to live in?
Watch this video, which proves that people, especially women, often underestimate their own value, their importance, their role and beauty, and this stoppes them from getting the recognition they deserve. This has to be changes and we will address the situation.
This is what we are going to deal with: to look at one another and discover the universe hidden in our hearts and minds, and also make it visible to others. We will use the PechaKucha format, so your talk will not be long or difficult: 20 slides 20 seconds each.
Step 1. Contact a person in the Club you would like to work with. It is recommended to choose a person you know the least. if you both agree to work together, write your names in the comments under this post or on Facebook.
Step 2. Get together for a conversation and try to discover as much positive information about your peer as you can. Discuss with your partner the values, the goals, the reasons for their choices and decisions. Choose distinctive features that make this person unique. Agree with your partner what you will tell the group about him/her.
Step 3. Provide photos and/or pictures that best illustrate the information you are going to deliver.
Step 4. Make a PechaKucha presentation: 20 slides 20 seconds each. The slides should change automatically. Plan how much you will be able to say within 20 seconds. If you are not fluent enough, it might be only two sentences. If you are fluent, it might twenty. The amount of words is NOT important. The information you deliver is. Please, be specific, avoid saying "This is a great personality". Instead, mention, what makes this person great: "This person has been in change of a three-million project to increase road safety.
Step 5. Practice, practice, practice pronouncing your PechaKucha. Make sure that your words match the slide. Make sure that you articulate and keep eye contact.
There two challenges here:
1) most of the people do not realize their true mission. Subdued by the social pressure, most of us start doing what is considered to be prestigious, but does not go together well with our innate abilities, or, on the contrary, avoid difficulties due to the fear of failure – people waste their lives doing insignificant stuff, which will never make a difference. In this case the talks can help the partners to better realize their potential and get encouragement to pursue the true mission;
2) people's modesty and sensitivity can stop them from speaking directly about their virtues and talents, and it can take time to win their trust and openness. They can also underestimate the significance of their calling, especially if it is truly innovative and visionary.
This is why I suggest that you familiarize yourselves with the multiple intelligences theory
and use the below questions that would allow you to bypass psychological obstacles and collect the bits and pieces of the information you need to make a portrait of the true personality you have encountered.
Do not hesitate to ask me for help if you are not sure how to approach this task.
The questions (feel free to rearrange and modify them):
1. What is your motto/credo/favourite witticism?
2. How do you divide your time between your job, family and hobbies?
3. What was your favourite pastime when you were a child?
4. How will you spend your time when you retire?
5. Name one right step you made that are still proud of.
6. Name one wrong decision of yours that you still regret.
7. Who is your role-model?
8. What subject did you excel at school and how you did that?
9. If you have an evening to waste what would you do?
10. Which charity would you donate to and why?
- children's health help line
- ecology project
- animal shelter
- sexual abuse / domestic violence survivors
- children in need fund (reducing poverty, providing access to education, orphanages)
- elderly people support
- what else?
11. What is your greatest achievement?
12. What did you dream about when you were five, ten, fifteen and twenty years old?
13. What is your dream now?
14. Why did you choose your current job?
15. What would you do if your current job were not available?
16. Prioritize the following, starting with the most important:
- living conditions
- money
- love
- health
- family
- friends
- social status
- emotional balance
- what else?
17. Which of the global challenges is No 1?
- ecology
- inequality
- racism
- lack of education
- obsolete political and government structures
- loss of moral values
- what else?
18. If you were almighty, which idea would you implant into people's minds?
19. If you could have told your parents something when you were five, ten, fifteen and twenty years old – what would it have been?
20. What would you like your children to be like when they grow up?
21. Which hobbies would you encourage your children to practice?
22. What do you think was the greatest failure in history and what lesson can we learn from it?
23. Name three most prominent personalities (any time, any place and any domain) and explain why they are significant.
24. Name the person of the year 2016 (globally).
25. Name three greatest achievements in human history.
26. What was the greatest lie you have ever told and why it happened?
27. Name three good things you've done to help others over the last year.
28. In your opinion. a successful person is the one who….
29. How much have you done to achieve your goal?
International students, you are welcome to do the same activity, create and upload your PechaKucha with voice over and/or captions in the Community Talk and paste the link in the comments under this post.
Good luck!
English learners in Minsk - see you in the Club on July 5, 2016. Sign up as soon as you find a partner.
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