Sketchnoting or visual note taking is an effective way to keep records. Pictures and layouts are a more compact and expressive way to store information and attitudes, and the notes look more interesting too.
Looking at sketchnotes one might think that this skills require time and effort to develop. However, sketchnoters say that it does not require being an aspiring lettering artist or developing top-notch drawing skills. Once you understand the principles and develop basic skills, you will be able to make your notes as nice as you wish.
On June 14, 2016, Ina Karnei, famous for her remarkable sketches, will deliver a master class to get us started.
Join us for inspiration and a useful skill.
Please, sign up before midnight on Monday June 13, 2016. If you cancel your participation on Tuesday after 1 pm, the only acceptable way to do that is to give a call on +375 29 2592164. Failure to cancel before 6.00 pm on Tuesday will result 50% penalty change.
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