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New EFL Tips and Tricks

New EFL Tips and Tricks

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Online tickets are here.

It's a must-come event. You will learn how to get to grips with your phonetics and never lose your perfect sounds again.

This system had been developed and was presented by Adrian Underhill, one of the most renowned experts in teaching English, at the International House' conference for teachers of English this weekend. It is amazingly simple, yet requires understanding. I cannot wait to share it with you. 

The session will be useful for both learners and teachers of English. Drop whatever you are doing and come to ICAN Club on April 16, 2019. 

The session will be conducted in English. We work in small groups, the number of seats is limited. Please, sign up before midnight on Monday April 16, 2019 by clicking the button on this page or purchase your ticket now here.

If you prefer to pay in the Club, please, check the prices and make sure you have the exact amount (do not need change). 
Prices are here

If you cannot make it to the Club, please, cancel by calling +375 29 2592164. No other ways of cancellations are accepted and failure to cancel before 6 pm on Tuesday will result in 50% charge.

ICAN Club is the best place in Minsk to practice communication is English and meet fantastic people. 
Join us every Tuesday at 6.30 pm.

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