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My school

15 october, 2019
This is my school. In school i have good friends
Our lessons are interesting. There is a stones exhibition in our geography class room. There is a stadium near the school and there are beautiful flower beds around the school. Basketball, sport shooting, karate in the school. Also we can visit additional theotral lessons. I like my school.
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My school

12 october, 2019
This is my school. In school i have good friends
Our lessons are interesting. There is a stones exhibition in our geography class room. There is a stadium near the school and there are beautiful flower beds around the school. Basketball, sport shooting, karate in the school. Also we can visit additional theotral lessons. My school is the best. And I like it very much.
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First Day at School

01 september, 2015
September 1 is celebrated as Knowledge Day in Belarus. It is the day when children return to school. The school arranges an event called Lineika, to welcome first- graders. The Frist Bell ceremony, which is featured in the photo, is the highlight of this event. A student from the 11th grade carries a little girl from the first grade along the perimeter of the quadrangle lined up with schoolchildren and the girl is ringing a old traditional bell.
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