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Practise and Publish

But ICAN Club will continue its encouragement program.

Young Learners will be awarded a Winner Sticker for each post which scores +500 points 
Five Winner Stickers = a prize
Read more here

Adults will be offered a 5 per cent discount to attend a session in ICAN Club for each post + 1500 points.  
Read more here

But do not write for prizes. Prizes are just a game to keep you interested and feel appreciated. 

Writing for publication will dramatically improve your essays and will get you to the next level of real-life communication. Staying in top three longest will be randomly awarded by ICAN Club's prizes.

Five reasons to develop writing skills:

1. Writing is a powerful tool to develop your career.
2. You can voice your opinion and make a change.
3. Writing helps reflect on your life and make the best of it. 
4. We are living in amazing times. Record, document, share!
5. Writing is fun and boosts creativity.



A hockey match

A hockey match

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As I’m not a hockey fan, the game itself wasn’t interesting for me, but I enjoyed staying with my friends and supporting the players. At the beginning “Miners” were leading the game, but at the end “Griffins” took the lead and won the game. From the beginning my friend and I thought that “Griffins” would win the game and they did it. It was cool, we were cheering them.

So surprisingly I enjoyed this hockey match and maybe I should go and see the adults game.  

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It's my YouTube channel

Comments (1)

Valiantsina  Holubeva

By Val 18 Mar 2017#

What a wonderful story, Ksenia!

It is concise, precise and interesting. Great job! And the pictures are appropriate too.
The language is nearly accurate even when you use difficult structures.

There is only one point I need to explain:

Unlike in Russian and Belarusian, inverted commas "______" are NOT used in English with the names of clubs, organisations, etc.
Check, for instance, this

So, use "the" and Capital letters in each word of the name to show where the name begins and finishes:

For example:
The North Bay Battalion is a major junior ice hockey team.

The total score for this text is 584 points and you are awarded an ICAN Winner sticker!
Words: 121
Content: 121 х 3 = 364
Language: 121 х 1 = 121
Multimedia: 100
Total: 584 points

What a wonderful story, Ksenia! It is concise, precise and interesting. Great job! And the pictures are appropriate too. The language is nearly accurate even when you use difficult structures. There is only one point I need to explain: Unlike in Russian and Belarusian, inverted commas "______" are NOT used in English with the names of clubs, organisations, etc. Check, for instance, this So, use "the" and Capital letters in each word of the name to show where the name begins and finishes: For example: The North Bay Battalion is a major junior ice hockey team. The total score for this text is 584 points and you are awarded an ICAN Winner sticker! Words: 121 Content: 121 х 3 = 364 Language: 121 х 1 = 121 Multimedia: 100 Total: 584 points

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