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Practise and Publish

But ICAN Club will continue its encouragement program.

Young Learners will be awarded a Winner Sticker for each post which scores +500 points 
Five Winner Stickers = a prize
Read more here

Adults will be offered a 5 per cent discount to attend a session in ICAN Club for each post + 1500 points.  
Read more here

But do not write for prizes. Prizes are just a game to keep you interested and feel appreciated. 

Writing for publication will dramatically improve your essays and will get you to the next level of real-life communication. Staying in top three longest will be randomly awarded by ICAN Club's prizes.

Five reasons to develop writing skills:

1. Writing is a powerful tool to develop your career.
2. You can voice your opinion and make a change.
3. Writing helps reflect on your life and make the best of it. 
4. We are living in amazing times. Record, document, share!
5. Writing is fun and boosts creativity.





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                     Now there is a share. It is about bonsticks. If you will make purchases more than on 150 thousand in Euroopt, you will get 1 bonstick. And I realy wanted to have some bonstiscks. But my parents don't go to the Euroopt. Because it situated far away. But on Friday my mum called me and said that she had a surprise for me. And she gave me five packings with bonsticks. I was very happy. I had a yellow chicken, a blue dog, a dark blue hippo and a purple jellyfish. But i named only 4 bonstiscks. The fifth bonstick was a monster. It's name is Zlydin.It's green with big white teeth. It's the rasest bonstick. I like it.                                          

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Comments (2)

Valiantsina  Holubeva

By Val 1 Apr 2017#

Bonsticks! Of course, a new craze!
However, in terms of practicing writing it is OK. When you grow up, Nikita, and one day look at this text, it will make your laugh . It'd good to have memories of our childhood.
The language.
I do think that you should proofread your texts. And if you did, you should learn how to do that better.
I would recommend that you remember that your texts can be read by people from other countries and this is why you should explain local names and give reasons.
In general your texts are interesting. Just pay more attention to the language.

The total score for this text is 520 points and you are awarded an ICAN Winner sticker!
Words: 120
Content: 120 х 3 = 360
Language: 120 х 0.5 = 60
Multimedia: 100
Total: 520 points
Bonsticks! Of course, a new craze! However, in terms of practicing writing it is OK. When you grow up, Nikita, and one day look at this text, it will make your laugh . It'd good to have memories of our childhood. The language. I do think that you should proofread your texts. And if you did, you should learn how to do that better. I would recommend that you remember that your texts can be read by people from other countries and this is why you should explain local names and give reasons. In general your texts are interesting. Just pay more attention to the language. The total score for this text is 520 points and you are awarded an ICAN Winner sticker! Words: 120 Content: 120 х 3 = 360 Language: 120 х 0.5 = 60 Multimedia: 100 Total: 520 points

Valiantsina  Holubeva

By Val 1 Apr 2017#

By the way, they are cute in your photos.
By the way, they are cute in your photos.

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