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Practise and Publish

But ICAN Club will continue its encouragement program.

Young Learners will be awarded a Winner Sticker for each post which scores +500 points 
Five Winner Stickers = a prize
Read more here

Adults will be offered a 5 per cent discount to attend a session in ICAN Club for each post + 1500 points.  
Read more here

But do not write for prizes. Prizes are just a game to keep you interested and feel appreciated. 

Writing for publication will dramatically improve your essays and will get you to the next level of real-life communication. Staying in top three longest will be randomly awarded by ICAN Club's prizes.

Five reasons to develop writing skills:

1. Writing is a powerful tool to develop your career.
2. You can voice your opinion and make a change.
3. Writing helps reflect on your life and make the best of it. 
4. We are living in amazing times. Record, document, share!
5. Writing is fun and boosts creativity.



♡My family and I♡

♡My family and I♡

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My name is Nikita. I am 14 y.o., I am a student. I am the youngest in my family.
My mum's name is Alena. She is in her late thirties. She has got dark brown hair, brown eyes and she is tall enough, but I am taller than she. My mum works at fitness club, so she is an active and sporty person. 
My mom is a breadwinner in our family, because she and my dad are divorced.
What about my dad, his name is Vladimir. He is 39 y.o. and he is a businessman. My dad has got brown hair and blue eyes. He isn't really fit because he doesn't do sport. 
Also I have a sister, Margo. She is 15 y.o. and she is a student at architectural college. She tells everything she thinks. Margo is as attractive as our mum. She has got light brown eyes, a small nose, small lips and fair hair. Margo likes expensive things and sometimes she is too talkative.
Of course I have a granny Valentina and a granddad Ivan. My granny is a very kind, helpful and caring person as well as my granddad. They are a perfect couple. My granny has got black hair, kind grey eyes and her smile is marvelous. My granddad has got brown eyes and his hair is dark black.
Also I have adog, Mira. She is too crazy and active.
I love my family, we are a united and close-knit family♡.
About Author

Comments (1)

Valiantsina  Holubeva

By Val 2 Oct 2016#

Dear Nikita,

Your text is detailed, which makes it interesting, and nearly accurate. There are some spelling mistakes, which can be easily corrected with the help of a spell-checker.
I would recommend to write about a more challenging topic.

You have worked on your photo. The way you edited it shows that you are aware of security rules, which is good. However, next time you might wish to consider other forms of depersonalization, such as a photo from the back, wearing sunglasses or hats, or featuring just hand or eyes… Experiment!

Your today's score is:
Words: 246
Content: 246 х 3 = 738
Language: 246 х 1 =
Multimedia: 100
Total: 1084 points

You are awarded an ICAN Winner Sticker.
Dear Nikita, Your text is detailed, which makes it interesting, and nearly accurate. There are some spelling mistakes, which can be easily corrected with the help of a spell-checker. I would recommend to write about a more challenging topic. You have worked on your photo. The way you edited it shows that you are aware of security rules, which is good. However, next time you might wish to consider other forms of depersonalization, such as a photo from the back, wearing sunglasses or hats, or featuring just hand or eyes… Experiment! Your today's score is: Words: 246 Content: 246 х 3 = 738 Language: 246 х 1 = Multimedia: 100 Total: 1084 points You are awarded an ICAN Winner Sticker.

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