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Practise and Publish

But ICAN Club will continue its encouragement program.

Young Learners will be awarded a Winner Sticker for each post which scores +500 points 
Five Winner Stickers = a prize
Read more here

Adults will be offered a 5 per cent discount to attend a session in ICAN Club for each post + 1500 points.  
Read more here

But do not write for prizes. Prizes are just a game to keep you interested and feel appreciated. 

Writing for publication will dramatically improve your essays and will get you to the next level of real-life communication. Staying in top three longest will be randomly awarded by ICAN Club's prizes.

Five reasons to develop writing skills:

1. Writing is a powerful tool to develop your career.
2. You can voice your opinion and make a change.
3. Writing helps reflect on your life and make the best of it. 
4. We are living in amazing times. Record, document, share!
5. Writing is fun and boosts creativity.



My happy hairdresser

My happy hairdresser

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Some years ago I read an article about things which make a person feel happy and satisfied at work. It was said that it is crucial to see the result of the work. It makes job rewarding and brings satisfaction to a person. And the opposite situation: repeated office routine without seeing any result makes a person feel bored and unsatisfied even when the salary is good.  From that point of view there were given some examples of rewarding jobs in the article. It was mentioned that being a hairdresser is one of the most satisfying jobs because hairdressers can see the result of their work every day. That impressed me.

After reading the article I had a conversation with my hairdresser Maria.  She absolutely agreed with the author. She says that her job is not easy but it brings her a lot of inspiration and satisfaction. Very often she feels physically tired after working day. But she gets a lot of smiles and gratitude words from her clients and that makes her happy and satisfied.

I always feel Maria`s positive energy. It is my pleasure to visit her. She has a variety of hobbies such as reading psychological literature and dancing. Maria communicates with different people a lot. So she is interested in psychology to understand people and their needs better. She is a passionate dancer of salsa, zouk and other popular social dances. Usually we discuss wide range of topics. And of course she makes magical things with my hair. After visiting her I feel beautiful and refreshed.  

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Comments (1)

Valiantsina  Holubeva

By Val 20 Jul 2016#

Dear Dasha,
It was so interesting to read your text. I have never thought about this factor to assess the job. Thinking about it I understood that it must be correct. Say hi to Marina. Does she know that she has become a celebrity.

Your score today is:
Words: 263
Content: 263х3 = 789
Language: 263 х 3= 789
Multimedia: 100
Total: 1678 points
I think it has been the highest so far due to the fact that you've proofread it and it is practically accurate.
Great job! Congratulations!
A tip - it would be grate to make a reference to the article or to mention the author.
Dear Dasha, It was so interesting to read your text. I have never thought about this factor to assess the job. Thinking about it I understood that it must be correct. Say hi to Marina. Does she know that she has become a celebrity. Your score today is: Words: 263 Content: 263х3 = 789 Language: 263 х 3= 789 Multimedia: 100 Total: 1678 points I think it has been the highest so far due to the fact that you've proofread it and it is practically accurate. Great job! Congratulations! A tip - it would be grate to make a reference to the article or to mention the author.

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