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Our rules are simple: use common sense, respect the law and other users, post materials appropriate for the purpose of this Site. We are responsible for what we do, you are responsible for your actions. These rules summarize the most important guiding principles of our Terms of Use, which is the complete binding document, which must be read by you before registering with our Site. BY ACCESSING, USING, OR REGISTERING FOR THE SERVICES, YOU CONFIRM THAT YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND WILL ABIDE BY THEM. If you do not agree, you may not use this facility. Users, who fail to respect the Terms of Use will be banned from accessing this site and their profiles will be removed.
Registration with and the use of is FREE. Beware that the Site may contain links to other, fee-charging sites. Remember to check the terms of such external services/ products before you consume them.

With your registration, we require the minimum of personal data, which is necessary to identify you as a user. does not disclose any personal information to third parties, unless it is demanded by law. We do not sell personal data to any third parties and we will not use your contact data for any unsolicited mailing.

We do not recommend that you share unnecessary personal data. You may not upload any sensitive information or personal data of other people or use this site under a name of another person.

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There is no age limit.

If you are under age, you should ask your parents for permission to use this Site.

If you are younger than 14, your registration with this Site must be approved by your parents.

Parents are responsible for the activities of their under age children. Teachers should choose age appropriate materials for their learners and supervise students activities on the site.
Be polite, friendly and supportive. Avoid using strong language, criticism, irony and sarcasm. Remember: while criticising others, you would be losing your time; used your time to demonstrate the proper way of doing things.

If you disagree with any opinion, write a post of your own to COMMUNITY TALK or create a contribution to COLORFUL WORLD.

You can also ask questions to better understand the opinion of the author.

Remember: the real benefit of communication is not to make others think the way you think, but to see different opinions and break stereotypes. is NOT a place for political, advertising or any other campaigns.

Read more a platform to build a collection of meaningful valuable texts and multimedia to be used for teaching and learning English at different levels in the global multicultural context.

You can upload content, which is appropriate for this. You must NOT upload anything that would not be approved in school. In case of doubt, do not hesitate to ask our team for advice.

Only the English language should be used.

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You must give credit to the authors if the materials used by you, even if you take those from public domain. For example, if you wish to share your photo of a sculpture, you must mention: (a) your name as the author of the photograph, and (b) the name of the sculptor. If the sculpture is an outdoor monument, you must also mention the name of the architect.

If you upload copyrighted materials, you must have a written permission from the rights holder to publish them under the Creative Commons license 4.0. International, which allows users to download and store the content without any payment for private educational use only. If someone decides to use any materials from this Site in their publications/ presentations and/or sites, they must ask us for a written permission to do so.

If your photos or videos feature any individual as the main subject, you must have a written permission from that individual to publish it on the Internet. In case of children the permission must be signed by both the parents.

Your posts and materials should be written in a clear, well organised manner and should be appropriate to the section of the Site you upload it to. Your sounds, photos and videos should be not necessarily professional, but of fair quality. reserves the right to remove any content we deem inappropriate. It assumes no obligation to store all the content. It is your responsibility to store the content you want to keep.

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This is a privately owned facility. We reserve the right to change the Terms of Use and these rules at any time at our sole decision. We will inform our users of the changes by placing a notice of our homepage. It is your responsibility to keep aware of the changes. If you disagree with any provision of the Terms of Use, you should discontinue using this Site.

By using this facility you agree to abide by its Terms of Use, international law and the law of your country. The disputes should be resolved by means of negotiation using our Terms of Use for reference. If disputes cannot be resolved by means of negotiations, they will be brought to court in the Republic of Belarus and will be settled in line with the law of the Republic of Belarus.

You can only upload materials that have been created by you. You warrant that the content uploaded by you to this Site, does NOT infringe the proprietary rights, including but not limited to the copyright, patent, trademark or trade secret rights, of any third party.

We may report any illegal activity occurring on this site that we become aware of to the authorities. We are not responsible for the content uploaded and the activities performed by our users, who bare full responsibility and can be made liable for these. In no even do we warrant that the Site is safe and will meet your expectation. You use this site at your own risk. is an attractive Investment project. Investment offers in will be considered on a case by case basis.
Read more is open for partnership in domains integral with its purpose. We also encourage and support creating English Speaking Clubs in other locations and cam offer you a sub-domain space in this Site. To make your partnership offer, please, use CONTACTS.
We are doing our best to keep this facility useful, safe, uninterrupted and user friendly. But it is a place for interaction of different people, who may visit this Site with different intentions, and it is beyond our capacity to control this. Thus, we inform you that




Please, read the whole DISCLAIMER.
We hope that your experiences with will be rewarding. We wish you good luck and would like to hear your feedback.