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Personally I was there four times, but my favorite trip was in the last year.

My family and I arrived in Bulgaria very early,but the bus brought us to the Sunny Beach when it was afternoon.
We left bags at the reception, changed clothes and went for a walk.
The day was just wonderful! It was very warm and sunny.
We walked all day and came to the hotel only in the evening.
The hotel had a beautiful restaurant with a very large selection of different food.
The sea was visible through the restaurant windows.
After dinner my family and I began to lay our things.

The water in the sea was very warm and clear. We went swimming for a whole days and had a lot of fun.
It was cool!

Nights in Bulgaria were always quiet.
My sister and I got up early in the morning to see the sunrise.
It's just awesome! Smooth waves gleam in the sun and it seems that you are in a beautiful fairy tale.

In the mornings we had breakfast early at the restaurant and then went to the beach.
After nights the sand was cold and wet. My brother and I played on it.

My family and I went swimming together. My brother was swimming with his rubber ring near my mother,
my father was swimming far to please us with a needlefish or a crab.
My sister and I dived under the water to frighten my brother.
It was very funny!

In warm days we went swimming or walking. In cold days we went to the Mall "Gallery" and bought clothes, shoes and souvenirs.

Also I was several times in Nesebar. The city divided on "old town" and "new town".
Most of all I liked beautiful narrow streets, small houses, cozy cafes and of course, nature.
Between large rocks you could find amazing seashells, but if you want to go there,
be careful - there are a lot of snakes near the rocks.

In the hotel in the evenings loud music was played and the city came alive - everyone  wanted to walk before the nigh.
My family and I came back to the hotel late at night and went to bed.

Our trip lasted two weeks. We were returning home at night. it was very sad.
But soon the summer comes and I will go to Bulgaria again.
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