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Gallery Teachers Open Day in Belarus

Gallery Teachers Open Day in Belarus

Only the lazy won't criticise education saying that it is not coping to address the needs of today's learners, and it is hard to contradict. So we, teachers on English as a foreign language (TEFL), decided not to – we started looking for the ways to improve. And here is what we are doing.
We have created a ground root international organisation of teachers of English called Gallery Teachers, which facilitates TEFLs cooperation, teacher development and sharing best practices.

 March 24-25 will come down in history as the date when Belarus officially joined Gallery Teachers. This event was marked by two workshops: one in Pinsk (South of Belarus), one in Minsk, the capital of Belarus.

Here are some snapshots from the Minsk event with inspiring Giovanni Rottura, Chief Executive Officer of Gallery Teachers, the unforgettable Thom Jones with a wealth of teaching and teacher training experience, the brilliant Ekaterina Pshezdyak, the organizer of the event and now representative of Gallery Teachers in Belarus, and myself, Valentina Holubeva, who opened the door for this cooperation back in 2013 following the invitation of Jason R Levine, the famous Fluency MC. And also more than 120 enthusiastic teachers of English from Belarus, who are thirsty for new ideas, cooperation and exchange.

 This event was the first in the long-term cooperation of Belarusian teachers of English with both Gallery Teacher and colleagues from other country under this umbrella. To join our community, please, apply here and ask to be added to the Facebook groups of Teaching English in Belarus and Gallery Teachers. 
Gallery Teachers Open Day in Belarus

Getting ready for the Open Day: Giovanni Rottura, CEO of Gallery Teachers; Valentina Holubeva, BelNATE Board Member,
Ekaterina Pshezdyak, Principal of Polyglot Studio and organizer of Open Day, Thom Jones, teacher trainer from Gallery Languages.
Gallery Teachers Open Day in Belarus

Ekaterina Pshezdyak, the charming hostess of the event is opening the workshop.

Thom Jones' workshop at Gallery Teachers Open Day in Belarus

Giovanni Rottura' presentation at Gallery Teachers Open Day in Belarus
    Ciovanni Rottura explains the advantages of Gallery Teachers and the prospects for cooperation. 

  Giovanni Rottura' presentation at Gallery Teachers Open Day in Belarus

To join Gallery Teachers, click here and choose the category. It's free.

Giovanni Rottura' presentation at Gallery Teachers Open Day in Belarus

Thom Jones' Workshop. If you wish to know the meaning of the "thinking out of the box" English idiom, you should meet Thom Jones. Withing an our he managed to break a lot of stereotypes and demonstrated that the same piece of lamb (a textbook) can be cooked in different ways to satisfy different customers. 

Here are some snapshots from his workshop. 
 Thom Jones's Workshop in Minsk, Gallery Teachers' Open Day Belarus

Thom Jones' workshop at Gallery Teachers Open Day in Belarus

Gallery Teachers Open Day in Belarus, Thom Jones's workshop in Minsk

Thom Jones' workshop at Gallery Teachers Open Day in Belarus

This is not the end - it's just the beginning! Join our Facebook groups: Teaching English in Belarus and Gallery Teachersto be aware of what is going on. There are at least three workshops on the way to you. 
Gallery Teachers Open Day in Belarus
About Author

Valiantsina (Val) is the founder and leader of ICAN Club, the owner and the admin of this site. She is the person to approach whenever you need help or advice. Val is an experienced teacher of English, who has worked in a variety of contexts and capacities and also as an interpreter/translator for international organizations, such as the World Bank, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, etc. She is an ideal candidate for cross-border creative educational projects.