Cybercrime has been growing and becoming more and more aggressive and sophisticated.
We need to be on guard…
… A month ago I got an sms informing me that $19.90 has been deducted from my bank card to pay for the services of a company I had no idea of. The timely reporting to the bank prevented me from a bigger loss: the next day the criminals attempted to steal $60, and later $109… Were it not for the sms notification, I would not have learnt that my money was being used to make someone else abroad happy before too late…
Cyber security, and Internet security in particular, has always been and will remain a hot topic. Cybercrime is on the rise, and we will never be able to say that yes, I know it all how to be safe. Our knowledge needs updating and safe online behaviour has to be practiced.
This is what you will learn in ICAN Club on February 27, 2018 from Alexander Svishchenkov, who has just completed an online course on cyber security.
The session will be conducted in English.
We work in small groups. Seats are limited. Please, sign up before midnight on Monday Feb. 26 or purchase your ticket now here.
PAYMENT: if you prefer to pay in the Club, please, check the prices and make sure you have the exact amount (do not need change).
Prices are here
If you cannot make it to the Club, please, cancel by calling +375 29 2592164. No other ways of cancellations are accepted and failure to cancel before 6 pm on Tuesday will result in 50% charge.
ICAN Club is the best place in Minsk to practice communication is English and meet fantastic people. Join us every Tuesday at 6.30 pm.
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