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Events For Adult's


ONLINE Reading Session: A White Heron by S. O. Jewett

ONLINE Reading Session: A White Heron by S. O. Jewett

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Reading is a powerful, natural and enjoyable way of learning a foreign language. Reading allows everyone to move at their own pace, understand grammar and build up the vocabulary while plunging into the fascinating world of the story.
And after reading an exiting text, we always want to share our thoughts and feelings, discuss the nuances, verify the interpretation, and draw conclusions.
At the online session in the ICAN English speaking Club on March 24, 2020, we will discuss A WHITE HERON, a simple, but touching short story by Sarah Orne Jewett, which was first published in 1886. It is amazing that the heroine’s feelings and actions, which were described one and a half centuries ago, are so resonate with our feelings today.
The story can be read here.

An adapted version with audio support is here

The meeting is held ONLINE in English, so you should buy a ticket online too. The connection information will be sent to those who bought the tickets.
If you cannot buy a ticket online, please contact me on +375 29 2592164.
Club for English speakers "ICAN" - an opportunity to learn real communication in English in Minsk: conversational practice plus communication. Usually we meet every Tuesday at 18.30.
For the period of social isolation, we conduct meetings online at the same time.
About Author

Valiantsina (Val) is the founder and leader of ICAN Club, the owner and the admin of this site. She is the person to approach whenever you need help or advice. Val is an experienced teacher of English, who has worked in a variety of contexts and capacities and also as an interpreter/translator for international organizations, such as the World Bank, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, etc. She is an ideal candidate for cross-border creative educational projects.

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