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Public Speaking Contest in Minsk

Public Speaking Contest in Minsk

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Adult students of English of different ages from three different schools will compete in public speaking.

The program for the Contest has been developed by three Belarusian teachers so that to make it dynamic, not too hard for the students and entertaining for the audience.

The participants and the audience will hear professional feedback from a qualified teacher, a native speaker of English.

All the participants will be given certificates and awards.

Please, sign up here if you wish to support the speakers or just see good samples of public speaking. Only first twenty viewers will be able to join, as the number of vacant seats is limited. Be the first to secure a seat for yourself and your friend. Описание:Описание:Описание:Описание:’s free.

Date: Saturday December 19, 2015
Time: 11 am to 2 pm
Venue: Room 503, Port Business Center, 4 Lozhinskaya St.
Registration is required before midday Dec. 16.
To register, send us the below message . 

Registration DEADLINE Tuesday December 15, before midnight. 
Please, be informed that there will be no way to add people to the list after the registration deadline. 
About Author

Valiantsina (Val) is the founder and leader of ICAN Club, the owner and the admin of this site. She is the person to approach whenever you need help or advice. Val is an experienced teacher of English, who has worked in a variety of contexts and capacities and also as an interpreter/translator for international organizations, such as the World Bank, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, etc. She is an ideal candidate for cross-border creative educational projects.

Comments (2)


By DaryaSh 20.12.2015

The event was great! Thanks a lot to all the organizers. That was my first experience of participating in such competition. And I`m happy that I did it. It showed me how brave I`m and how much I can improve my English speaking and presenting skills. Special thanks to Valentina Holubeva for inspiring and encouraging me.
The event was great! Thanks a lot to all the organizers. That was my first experience of participating in such competition. And I`m happy that I did it. It showed me how brave I`m and how much I can improve my English speaking and presenting skills. Special thanks to Valentina Holubeva for inspiring and encouraging me.


By Val 21.12.2015

Thank you, Dasha, for your nice feedback. I am happy that you've listened to us (Alexander and myself) and went for it. I was sure you would be among winners, and I am so happy that you were First Place. Congratulations!
I think your example for everyone. People will see that regular practice works miracles.
Thank you, Dasha, for your nice feedback. I am happy that you've listened to us (Alexander and myself) and went for it. I was sure you would be among winners, and I am so happy that you were First Place. Congratulations! I think your example for everyone. People will see that regular practice works miracles.

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