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Events For Adult's


Reading Session (Online ): W. Somerset Maugham

Reading Session (Online ): W. Somerset Maugham

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Due to the coronavirus /COVID-19 pandemic, ICAN, English Speaking Club, is running its meetings online.
Join us every Tuesday at 6.30 p.m. Minsk time (UTC+03:00). Buy your tickets here. Each ticket holder will receive a link to the video conference.

If you are an international student and cannot buy the ticket, sign up below this post.

+++ Requires preparation (see the links under the description) ++++

Reading is one of the best activities invented by mankind. Usually we read for information or for pleasure. But reading has a more important role to play. Reading develops the second signal-system, i.e. the ability to decode the little squiggles perceived by our eye into the sounds of speech and further on into imagines, experiences and emotions.
But that's not all. while reading, we build up our vocabulary, replenish it with new turns of speech, stylistic devices and other forms of expression. And once we need to explain, tell something, convince someone, share our thoughts and feelings - here we go! - we have all the necessary means of expression. There is no need for a well-read person to gesticulate helplessly, make faces and spew interjections - words come out smoothly and form an expressive speech.

The story by W. Somerset Maugham suggested for dissuasion in ICAN English speaking Club on May 19, 2020 is a unique combination of an exciting plot, deep ideas, accurate observations and a filigree linguistic expression of thought.
Go ahead: read, enjoy, harvest useful thoughts and words, prepare for discussion.

The links:
a) the story read by W. Somerset Maugham, the author (35 minutes)

b) the full text

The session will be conducted in English. We work in small groups, the number of participants is limited. Buy your tickets here. Each ticket holder will receive a link to the video conference.
ICAN English Speaking Club is the best place in Minsk to practice communication in English. Join us every Tuesday at 6.30 p.m. Follow our updates on this site.

About Author

Valiantsina (Val) is the founder and leader of ICAN Club, the owner and the admin of this site. She is the person to approach whenever you need help or advice. Val is an experienced teacher of English, who has worked in a variety of contexts and capacities and also as an interpreter/translator for international organizations, such as the World Bank, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, etc. She is an ideal candidate for cross-border creative educational projects.

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