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Real Halloween - 2017 in ICAN Club

Real Halloween - 2017 in ICAN Club

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Halloween came to our land as a commercial holiday through sale of its bright attributes and intriguing Halloween parties: glowing pumpkins, scary costumes, the mystery of the night - which 
Club would miss an opportunity to attract a crowd?
However, who cares to find out what we celebrate? Who knows the roots and the implications of this ancient holiday?

 Join us in ICAN, English speaking Club, to find out the truth about Halloween. 

Buy your ticket right now here and start PREPARATIONS:
1. You will need a costume (you can make it yourself or re-arrage your usual clothes);
2. Read about the history of Halloween to win a video-quiz;
3. Look through some Halloween recipes to win in a culinary contest (the ingredients will be provided).
Join us for useful fun.
Buy your ticket right now or register before midnight on Monday October 30, 2017 by clicking the "Sign Up" button under this post.
If you prefer to pay cash, make sure you have the exact amount. The price list is here.

ICAN Club is the best place in Minsk to develop English speaking and communication skills. Look at the diversity of topics and activities here.  It's a friendly company of positive proactive people with is fun to be with. Join us every Tuesday at 6.30 p.m.
About Author

Valiantsina (Val) is the founder and leader of ICAN Club, the owner and the admin of this site. She is the person to approach whenever you need help or advice. Val is an experienced teacher of English, who has worked in a variety of contexts and capacities and also as an interpreter/translator for international organizations, such as the World Bank, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, etc. She is an ideal candidate for cross-border creative educational projects.

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