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Events For Adult's


STORYTELLING step by step

STORYTELLING step by step

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Find the summary of storytelling instruction here. Study the guide and start creating your stories. Upload them to our Community Talk.

Here is how we worked on our stories.
First, we studied the storytelling principles: the structure and expressiveness.  (Download a printable list of stylistic devices here).
Then we eliminated one difficulty - structure. We took a well-know children's fable about a turnip and converted it into a captivating mock-story.
Practicing storytelling in ICAN Club, Minsk

Working in groups to create meaningful stories by placing the characters in the context, adding personal qualities and descriptions, giving reasons for their actions, sharing feelings and emotions. 
Practicing storytelling in ICAN Club, Minsk
Practicing storytelling in ICAN Club, Minsk
Finally, during the tea time, the groups presented their stories. It was amazing how different they were.
Practicing storytelling in ICAN Club, Minsk

Having learned the know-how of storytelling, everybody can tell a story of their own, raising issues that matter or sharing funny episodes from their life. Their stories will never be dull.

Storytelling is an effective way of developing speaking and writing skills in English, and also boosting your vocabulary. However, the benefits go far beyond English language learning.
The skill of storytelling can help you in a variety of ways: from entertaining your friends and telling bed time stories to your kids to making impressive business presentations and selling your services. It will become one more remarkable feature to your personality. 

Check this link to see how stories can be used in business
Storytelling can become a source of decent income, if you start selling your content to internet sites or bring you to stardom, if you write and publish your stories. Take Harry Potter, for instance. This multimillion business started from a story, and now J.K Rowling net worth is estimated to be $650 MILLION!

One might think that Joanne Rowling was born to be a story teller, but read her biography, and you will see how winding her way was. 

ICAN Club is the best place in Minsk to practice communication is English and meet fantastic people. Join us every Tuesday at 6.30 pm.
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