Epigraph: Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why. (Bernard Baruch)
Today everyone is speaking about the need to develop creativity, innovation, vision and other exciting things. Are you ready for this new dimension?
If you can understand what is written in the picture, probably you are. But there is no end to perfection. Let's develop creativity together.
Step 1: Think of a question no one has already asked. Something exciting, meaningful (not weird or absurd), which would be good to keep a conversation running. It should be YOURS, genuine, not something you googled or picked somewhere.
Step 2. Write it under this post.
Step 3. Read what other people have written and rate is as original, interesting and provoking a discussion (+) or lacking these qualities (-).
- It should be "yes"/"no" questions
- It's the question, that should be new, not a recurrent question that asks for information that is unknown. Like the question asked by Newton: "Why should an apple fall?"
Later I will tell you what we are going to do with all these.
You can post your questions until Monday midnight. The one who suggests the most of suitable questions (as rated by the community) will get a 10% discount for this session.
Sign up before midnight on Oct. 10, please.
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