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Events For Adult's




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ONLINE tickets are here
TOASTMASTERS is a worldwide movement of people who want to learn how to pronounce impressive speeches.
The name comes from the two words "toast" = a call to a gathering of people to raise their glasses and drink together in honour of a person or thing (not a slice of bread browned on both sides as in the picture - it is a joke) and "master" = an individual who is very skilled at something. You can read the movement and learn some tips here.

ICAN English Speaking Club is an ideal place to develop the ability to speak publicly. Here you can practice and get professional help both in constructing your speech and in in the English language too.

If you are new to public speaking, you can start with a few simple sentences. The main thing is to speak with confidence, loud and clear, and, of course, to have something to say. Bring your ideas, we will help you express them in a well designed speech. Step by step, you will learn how to speak beautifully and convincingly, influence people and promote your beliefs - all in English!
The session will be conducted in English. We work in small groups, the number of seats is limited. 

Please, sign up before midnight on Monday September 30 by clicking the button on this page or purchase your ticket now here. It will be a bit more economical.

If you prefer to pay in the Club, please, check the prices and make sure you have the exact amount (do not need change). 
Prices are here

If you cannot make it to the Club, please, cancel by calling +375 29 2592164. No other ways of cancellations are accepted and failure to cancel before 6 pm on Tuesday will result in 50% charge.

ICAN Club is the best place in Minsk to practice communication is English and meet fantastic people. Join us every Tuesday at 6.30 pm.

About Author

Valiantsina (Val) is the founder and leader of ICAN Club, the owner and the admin of this site. She is the person to approach whenever you need help or advice. Val is an experienced teacher of English, who has worked in a variety of contexts and capacities and also as an interpreter/translator for international organizations, such as the World Bank, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, etc. She is an ideal candidate for cross-border creative educational projects.

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