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Today's Mr Right and Ms Perfect

Today's Mr Right and Ms Perfect

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Have you ever asked yourself why so many good people are lonely, don't what or can't find a couple, or are unable to maintain a relationship?
The answer to this question might be: inadequate stereotypes.
In this turbulent, constantly changing world the values are challenged, the traditions are modified, and the relationships undergo transformation too. Our mind, however, is contaminated by centuries old stereotypes and old-fashioned, obsolete assumptions. 
Lack of communication skills is the second reason. The roles of men and women have changed, but people are either unaware of it, or are not able to spell out the differences, and also to identify and appreciate the new virtues of their mates. 
It's a challenging topic, and sensitive too. In order to depersonalize the cases, opinions and statements, please, send them to the facilitator as a private message to be printed out on card.
Also, it would a be good idea to read some research or essays, or give examples from books, films and real life.
You all know Men Are from Mars,. Women Are from Venus. A Practical Guide for. Improving Communication and. Getting What You Want in Your Relationships by John Gray, don't you?
Here is one of the few relevant resources (in Russian) that are worth spending time on
Блог Торвальда: Краткая теория близких отношений
Share the resources you prefer.
Please, sign up before midnight on Monday Nov 27. or purchase your ticket online here, which might be a bit more economical. To sign up, please, click the button under this post or call|text on   +375 29 2592164.

If you cannot make it to the Club, please, cancel by calling +375 29 2592164. No other ways of cancellations are accepted and failure to cancel before 6 pm on Tuesday will result in 50% charge.
If you prefer paying cash, please, make sure you have the exact amount. The prices are here.

ICAN Club is the best place in Minsk to practice communication and interaction in English and also to learn a lot of important things. We meet every Tuesday at 6.30. Please, follow us here.
About Author

Valiantsina (Val) is the founder and leader of ICAN Club, the owner and the admin of this site. She is the person to approach whenever you need help or advice. Val is an experienced teacher of English, who has worked in a variety of contexts and capacities and also as an interpreter/translator for international organizations, such as the World Bank, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, etc. She is an ideal candidate for cross-border creative educational projects.

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