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Events For Adult's


What concerns you?

What concerns you?

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Online tickets are here.

In today's dynamic world we are forced to be quick, goal-oriented and manage our time so as to accomplish our ambitious plans. It might be good, but it definitely has a side effect. We do not have time to look and think deep. We do not have time to listen, and even if we listen, do not hear.

Let's put an end to it. ICAN Club is a place where everyone will be heard. It's a safe place to speak your mind. March 19, 2019 is YOUR day. Come and share what concerns YOU.

Prepare a one-minute talk on a matter of your concern. Offer questions for discussion or debate.
It would be a good idea to watch some videos and/or read a couple of articles on the topic in order to find some facts and ideas, and also to practice the pronunciation of the unfamiliar words.
In addition to getting feedback on your statement, you will also practice public speaking and debating skills.

The session will be conducted in English. We work in small groups, the number of seats is limited. Please, sign up before midnight on Monday March 18, 2019 by clicking the button on this page or purchase your ticket now here.

If you prefer to pay in the Club, please, check the prices and make sure you have the exact amount (do not need change).
Prices are here

If you cannot make it to the Club, please, cancel by calling +375 29 2592164. No other ways of cancellations are accepted and failure to cancel before 6 pm on Tuesday will result in 50% charge.


ICAN Club is the best place in Minsk to practice communication is English and meet fantastic people.
Join us every Tuesday at 6.30 pm.
About Author

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