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Events For Adult's


Word Challenge Game

Word Challenge Game

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The purpose of ICAN, English Speaking Club in Minsk, is to help people get fluent and develop communication skills. However, every now and then we run language focused sessions, as the one on May 28, 2019. This session will be focused on vocabulary, and it will be a thrilling team competition. 

Most intermediate students complain that they lack vocabulary. Sometimes they do not complain, but the way they express their ideas manifests the lack of vocabulary. Vocabulary, however, is the main feature to how knowledgeable you are and instantly get respect. The one who knows more words can express the idea more precisely, which instantly gains them more respect and improves communication.

Observing my students' performance in class, I have selected twenty the most required words that will make your speech a way more dynamic and expressive. Starting using them will be your word challenge. 

The session will be conducted in English. We work in small groups, the number of seats is limited. Please, sign up before midnight on Monday MAY 27, 2019 by clicking the button on this page or purchase your ticket now here.

If you prefer to pay in the Club, please, check the prices and make sure you have the exact amount (do not need change).
Prices are here

If you cannot make it to the Club, please, cancel by calling +375 29 2592164. No other ways of cancellations are accepted and failure to cancel before 6 pm on Tuesday will result in 50% charge.

ICAN Club is the best place in Minsk to practice communication is English and meet fantastic people.
Join us every Tuesday at 6.30 pm.
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