When you see the name IKEA, perhaps you think of a comfortable sofa or a beautiful table. I have not too many things from IKEA stores, but I see the value of every IKEA product. All goods from IKEA stores have a really good quality and they are affordable for us. You can find my purchases from IKEA company in attached files. There are curtains for my son’s room and for the living room, the fork and spoon stand, the knife and containers for toys.
It’s a pity that we haven’t IKEA stores in Belarus. But the main competitor of IKEA goes to our market. The retail Denmark company JYSK will open its first store in Minsk in November. The chain of 25 stores will start to work in Belarus during next 10 years. Great! Are JUSK as good as IKEA?
Comments (1)
By Val 11 Jul 2016#
It's great to see your accuracy getting better and better. Just a few mistakes in this text, which means that soon you will be getting "2" for the second criterion.
Your score is:
Words: 151
Content: 151х3 = 453
Language: 151 х 1= 151
Multimedia: 100
Total: 704 points
My recommendation: avoid translating from your native language. Even though you can make a grammatically correct sentence, it won't be the way how a native speaker would render the idea. I suggest that you read some articles on the topic you wish to write about and borrow the turns of phrase.