Once, the some customer from Denmark asked me to make an application for school walking bus. I was very surprised when he told me more details about a bus.
In some European countries, there is very popular idea to organize the children moving to the school and back by walk. The teacher assigns some oldest schoolchild or another teacher as a driver of the ‘bus’ and he develops a bus route. The driver should pick up the ‘passengers’ on the bus stops. The passengers should walk by two.
There are many benefits to use the walking bus. The parents can not worry about their children. The driver knows which passenger should arrived to a bus stop. He can notify parents immediately if their child not arrived to a bus stop.
Also it have positive physical and social effect for children. For today, it’s very important to go walking extra 20-40 minutes per day for children, who have sedentary life in common.
The Governments of countries, who practice the walking bus program, tries to support it by providing special routes with minimal traffic.
It’s great idea, but not all countries can practice this because they have a cold or hot weather, often rains. Also poor countries does not have money to provide safe routes.
Comments (2)
By Val 28 Mar 2016#
It seems a good idea. Do you think it is possible to apply it in the country where you live?
By Eric 19 May 2016#