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Practise and Publish

But ICAN Club will continue its encouragement program.

Young Learners will be awarded a Winner Sticker for each post which scores +500 points 
Five Winner Stickers = a prize
Read more here

Adults will be offered a 5 per cent discount to attend a session in ICAN Club for each post + 1500 points.  
Read more here

But do not write for prizes. Prizes are just a game to keep you interested and feel appreciated. 

Writing for publication will dramatically improve your essays and will get you to the next level of real-life communication. Staying in top three longest will be randomly awarded by ICAN Club's prizes.

Five reasons to develop writing skills:

1. Writing is a powerful tool to develop your career.
2. You can voice your opinion and make a change.
3. Writing helps reflect on your life and make the best of it. 
4. We are living in amazing times. Record, document, share!
5. Writing is fun and boosts creativity.



Treasures of the Earth

Treasures of the Earth

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Nature can be really surprising and impressive. By nature I mean not only flora and fauna, but also things we usually call inanimate nature: rivers, waterfalls and, in particular, minerals.

I don't remember the day I began collecting stones. It all started with bringing home pieces of glance coal, firestone and quartz. At that time I didn't know much about minerals, so the only reason for picking a stone from the ground was its shape and color.

About nine years ago my parents travelled to Greece and brought me a piece of amethyst from there. Since then I've learnt a lot in the area of geology and attended plenty of exhibitions and markets. I bought crystals that had something extraordinary in them. It could be shape, unusual combination of minerals or their gorgeous colors.

Now I have about 120 pieces of minerals in my collection. They are mostly andradites, fluorites and different kinds of quartz. There are also a few fossils and many things that have long and difficult names. But it's known that no matter what we have in our collections, we always want something we don't have. For example, I dream of buying a piece of meteorite.

In conclusion I would like to say that minerals are endless source of inspiration for me. They can tell us a lot about the past of the Earth.

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Comments (1)

Valiantsina  Holubeva

By Val 6 Oct 2019#

Hi Helen,
It was so interesting to read about your hobby. Thanks for the beautiful pictures!
In spring I visited a geology museum and learned the importance of geology for understanding geography and other natural sciences. I Hope after reading this text other students will also develop interest in this field.

Your text is accurate. I've sent you a file with some specific points.
A general advice is: contractions should not be used in academic writing.

The total score is 1386 points. You are awarded an ICAN Winner sticker. Congratulations!
Words: 231
Content: 213 х 3 = 693
Language: 136 х 3 = 693
Multimedia: 100
Total: 1386 points
Hi Helen, It was so interesting to read about your hobby. Thanks for the beautiful pictures! In spring I visited a geology museum and learned the importance of geology for understanding geography and other natural sciences. I Hope after reading this text other students will also develop interest in this field. Your text is accurate. I've sent you a file with some specific points. A general advice is: contractions should not be used in academic writing. The total score is 1386 points. You are awarded an ICAN Winner sticker. Congratulations! Words: 231 Content: 213 х 3 = 693 Language: 136 х 3 = 693 Multimedia: 100 Total: 1386 points

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